Sunday, April 15, 2007


Chris is going to be on Canada AM tomorrow morning at about 8:10. That's a.m.... thus the name of the program...heehee.

Perhaps, this is finally the meeting of Chris and Seamus (my real man and my leprechaun crush)!! Tune in if you can.


Cheryl said...

Do you think Chris can get me Seamus' autograph??? Kidding. But seriously, he is darn cute,no? Now if he was going to meet Peter Mansbridge, than I'm sorry to say that I'd have to tag along with him to meet Peter myself. I totally have the hots for him. Really. We'll watch the show AND PVR it too...just in case he screws up and says something really stupid/lame. haha.

Emily said...

you can watch it online if you scroll down a little and click on the 'books' tab

he says porno AND POOP!!!
oooooh Christopher!

Emily said...
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Emily said...

ok, that link doesn't seem to work for me...if you go to the Canada AM webpage you can find it!

Sarah said...

Hey, I just watched it (along with everyone else at work)! Glad that CTV put it up on their website!

He looked and sounded great - but does he actually own another T-shirt or is that his only one?

Tell him Congrats from his British fans!