Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Yes, I'm still here. In my house, and not checked into the looney bin. Luckily for me, grandparents exist in this world. John was a star yesterday and walked Charley all over town and then watched the soccer game with him, while I took my frustrations out on the garden. And now Granny and Poppa J are driving up here for a few days visit. Hmmmm, meltdowns seem to have positive results.

It's another beautiful day here. A neighbour brought the little girl she cares for over this morning and John and I went to the farm this afternoon, so fully enjoyed the day in the sun. Now, we're just hanging waiting for the arrival of the parents/grandparents.

Thought I'd snap some shots of Charley while we wait. He has a charming new photo-face, as you'll see. He's about to cut yet another molar, so I guess all this maniac behaviour does have a reason.

"Oh, you'd like to take a few pictures?"

"I've got this look for you."
"This one."
"And for a change, this one too."

"And don't forget: Everybody rock out!"

1 comment:

Emily said...

Keep on rockin' in the free world!