Charley had a visit to CHEO yesterday, for a regular check up of his wee heart. He hasn't had any problems with it since he was born, but they like to take a look at it every once and a while. It's a bit of a pain, because he has to wear a holter for 24 hours and that's a challenge with a busy 15 month-old, who likes to push buttons and pull cords. We kept him distracted and he was very good about it. That is, until the leads came off. I appreciate that they are very sticky and don't come off for the duration, but when the 24 hrs are up and they need to be pulled off, they result in a very sad baby. A veeeery tiny stretchy shirt is worn over top to keep little hands from pulling. I swear it was made for a newborn, so squeezing Charley in was quite hilarious. Here are some shots:
Lookin' cute:

Tiny, stretchy shirt:
"Here's my monitor!"
"I'm free!!"
And here's a shot from a couple days ago, of the two boys rocking out:
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