Friday, May 25, 2007

Just for Sarah and Rob....

The ROMPER! It seems that after a certain age, in Britain, a baby outgrows sleepers and graduates to rompers. At least, that's what was available at Tesco for Charley's size. Thanks Sarah and Rob for the new sleepwear:

I got Charley a baby doll (used, but he doesn't mind) and he seemed quite excited by it.

I thought, perhaps, he wanted to love it and hug it, but abuse seems more satisfying to him. Here is a series of him roughing up the doll.

"First you growl in a scary fashion, being sure to show the new molars. Doing this in the baby's face starts the torture process off nicely".
"A quick bite to the head moves things along..."
"Full-coverage smothering is very effective".
"And the grand finale, a swift kick to the sternum".

He doesn't seem to be toooo nurturing at this point. Oh well, he's snuggly with me and rarely kicks me in the sternum, so that's a bonus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude - the rompers are the cutest thing ever. I'm so glad they fit him!

Give him kisses from Auntie Nay.