Friday, May 18, 2007

We're off!

Off to the P-patch for the celebrating of Benny's 30th birthday. Jim and Emily swung through town on their way back from their east coast adventure, so Aunty Yumyum is riding with us today... a great thing for Charley, who will have company in the back seat.

Here's a few shots that Em took last night of Charley, aka Wee Splasher, the name bequeathed by his Welsh cousins.

Charley has discovered television. He loves the remotes more than the actual programming, but he currently gets 5 minutes of Sesame Street a day, before bathtime. He just likes the opening and then loses interest. That's fine with me.
"I love the remote!"
There is something hilarious about him sitting in the blue glow of the set, though. I imagine this spacey, far-away look will be a bigger part of the future, unless I can miraculously be one of those parents who keeps him from falling under the t.v.-spell. Good luck with Chris' big t.v. in reach!

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