Sunday, June 10, 2007

Pool party!

Much to Charley's delight, we headed off to North Gower today for a dip in the pool. Now, Charley is delighted by all things water... so a pool is at the top of his list of great things. He tried to jump in once he saw it and was forcibly dragged out an hour later. He couldn't get enough! He started off with a full coverage one piece, with built in flotation, but it was "cramping his style" and so off it came and the water wings went on. Chris and Grampy John had their arms full trying to keep him from diving in. He's more ambitious than skilled at this point.

Here are some shots of the day:

Floatey-suit, riding a bit too high.
Splashing with Grampy
He's a handful!
And, one of my favourite shots ever!, Nanna and the 3 grandchildren. Devon was kind enough to share her crackers with a post-pool, super-famished Charley and Hayden just snoozed away, oblivious to the niceties. Might I add that Marilyn is looking beautiful, as always, and fit. She DID just run a marathon, you know!

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