Tuesday, June 19, 2007

We survived "Summer Cold 2007!"

Babies with colds are a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad thing. Between the constant flow of mucus and the waking at night due to plugged nose, it's a tiring ordeal for all. Luckily after 4 days of constant "colding", I think we're starting to come out of it. Charley seems a bit more himself and the kleenex patrol only has to descend on him every 10 minutes or so. Yay!

Chris leaves tomorrow for man-fest, ie: his annual golf tourney with friends, so we're heading off to Ptbo. for an overdue visit and to celebrate my Granny's 89th. Kismet is quivering in anticipation of roaring-around time and Charley is excited to show off some new tricks. Hopefully, this will not include the nose-fountain.

Here are some photos from today, done in a tasteful and camouflaging black and white style. This nicely hides the red nose and crusty face of the subject.

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