Tuesday, October 02, 2007


So, that was a long wait between posts... but as always, here are some good shots to keep you smiling.

Some explanation first: Sarah (aka Auntie Ney-Ney) arrived last night for a visit this week. She's just moved home from England and is spending a few days here before we go home for Thanksgiving.

During Charley's bath tonight she said "why don't we turn on the jets in the tub?". I said "oh no, I'm sure it would scare him to death!". Sarah, being the wise aunt, scoffs at my mother-talk and fires up the jets. Charley was mesmerized and not at all scared, especially because the jets turned the very moderate amount of bubble into a mountain of bubble-mania.

Here is what ensued:

Oh! These bubbles are getting high!

Argh! I'm a bubble-pirate!

NO! Don't rinse it off, you fools!

Argggggggggg! It burrrrns!

Bubble-monster, at play.

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