Saturday, October 20, 2007

The gang.

All 3 grandkids were over for a visit briefly this afternoon, and so we took a couple shots with Grampy. Here are the results...

Hayden says "What are we doing here Grampy? Oh, and why is my cousin pushing me in the face?"

Devon starts to lose it when both boys start pulling her hair.

Devon abandons the photo shoot. The boys look longingly at her long, pull-able hair. Kismet sneaks in...

Devon returns reluctantly, but protects the hair area. Kismet wants a hug too.

Success!! Charley is still trying to rip Hayden's ear off... but this is as good as it gets with 3 kids under 5. Can you believe that little bruiser is not 7 months old yet!! ? He's almost as big as Charley!

Charley is upstairs rattling the bars of his 'cage' instead of sleeping. Hmmm... I think he might be over-stimulated from this afternoon's fun. Must trudge up and convince him that it's bed-time. I swear, I'm waddling already. God help me in February!

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