Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bit of a boring week....

Not too much to update here. It's Chris' birthday, but he hasn't had greetings from us yet, as he's still in bed. That's the best prezzie I could come up with!

Here are some shots from the homestead.

This is Charley's new "concentration face". Here he was really focussing, trying to insert one chubby digit into the lens of the camera.
General joy:
Another new face. This is what you get if you ask him for his prettiest smile. I believe it to be somewhat smarmy and sarcastic, personally.
Finally, here is his wound o' the week; a tongue puncture. This comes from multi-tasking, ie: running while carrying objects. Hasn't seemed to bother him too much

And, now a video segment entitled "Boy vs. Dog". This is how the two chimps entertain themselves when it's freezing rain outside and Mummy is boring them. Kismet is a real sport, don't you think?:

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