Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas... part 1!

We've returned from our first Christmas session in Peterborough/Millbrook. A good time was had by all, especially Charley. He was a very good boy and enjoyed himself thoroughly as the only child on the Higgy side.

We have another family gathering on New Year's Day, so we'll recover fro a few days and prepared for the Jones clan.

Here are a few shots from Christmas:

Charley gets just enough attention:
A little womanly love:
Big surprise... Charley loves the ball!
Can't really believe I'm posting this... Yes, I'm huge. Sarah nicely posed beside me to show a skinny contrast. I've grown a beach ball, and still have weeks to go. Oh well, big babies are happy babies, right?!?!

I'll post some more once Aunty Nay-Nay sends me a few extras. Happy holidays to all. Hope your turkey belly isn't as big as mine!

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

Merry Christmas, Beautiful family.

Lee, your belly is PERFECT. Only the loveliest-figured women get the true basketball effect...and you are among the loveliest-figured :).