Monday, January 07, 2008

Overdue update

It's been a few days since an update, but that's only because there is very little to report. Post-holiday non-excitement has set in. Chris is off covering the New Hampshire caucus, Nanna and Grampy are off to Vietnam and Cambodia this week and Charley and I are just hanging out here in the melty world of Ottawa.

For diversion and amusement I dressed him in his new Welsh themed t-shirt this a.m. and attempted a photo shoot. I'm not sure he understood the point of the picture... The shirt (thanks to Rojo and Nayna for acquiring this one, on one of their many Welsh excursions) reads "I'm not only gorgeous, I'm Welsh". I tried for gorgeous, but got these photos instead:


Okay, getting cuter. This is as close to "gorgeous" as Charley could muster today.
Here's a shot of Hannah, aka "the Goddess who comes and gives me 9 hours of peace a week", and Charley in one of his new Christmas prezzies.

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