Friday, January 25, 2008

A significant week

It's been an emotional week for me, having reached and passed the gestational date on which Charley was born. It made me realize I haven't really pictured pregnancy beyond this time! I was so focused on getting through 35 weeks, that I'm quite amazed to find myself still large and growing. This baby's heart is behaving very normally, and he/she hasn't shown any of the cardio-rebellion that his/her brother showed at the same point. It is quite amazing to think that I have a baby inside me that is now older and possibly bigger than Charley was when I was caring for him in the outside world.

Here are some photos to flashback to my life almost 2 years ago. I still can't believe that this baby is my big, healthy, lovely Charley:

Little morphine baby, just a few hours after the "shock paddles":

Oh, those legs!

In contrast, here in 2008, we've built a toddler bed for the big boy to consider. It's set up in his room for him to ponder for a little while, before he gets evicted from the crib. I figure he can keep the crib for a while, because he never slept in it until he was a few months old.

What a change from above!:

Giving the bed tour:
Makes him sleepy!
Check out the view!
Tucking Little Wooley in to sleep:

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