I'm going to blame the thin air and the relocation and the unrelenting heat for the reason that I don't have any new photos to add to the bloggy. It's been a busy week getting set up here and we've been enjoying Marilyn's company while she's still here.
We've explored many of the corners of Missoula and I'm starting to get a grip on the layout. I still get lost every time I'm in a car, but it's pretty easy to get un-lost. Plus, the people here are so ridiculously friendly. Our neighbours have been over, introduced themselves, invited us to parties, brought us cookies, offered up daughters for babysitting, etc. People always say "oh, but Canadians are friendly too!", to which I say "do not confuse being polite with being friendly". You could move into a neighbourhood like this in some Canadian town and live there a year without meeting the number of neighbours I've met here in a week. (Well, maybe not on Irving...).
Chris and I went out for dinner last night after the boys were asleep (will deeply miss mother-in-law babysitting services). We picked a place that seemed to feature heavily in the local "best of" lists. It's called the Red Bird and I think I might have had the best meal of my life there. Chris, who always pales as an 'orderer' next to my innate menu skills, was extremely jealous and ended up eating a large portion of my meal. It was spectacular.
Today I finally got to see Chris' office and some of the campus. It has been voted most beautiful campus by someone or other and it was quite fun to be there as all the students were arriving, parents in tow, looking like they might just puke.

The journalism building is beautiful and I think Chris is really going to love having an office, and a job and adoring students. You can read about his excitement here.
Other than that, life is the same. Sam gets sweaty and screechy and poops a lot. Charley whines a bit, falls inappropriately and then plays compulsively with trains. 3000 feet of elevation change is not enough change to change these things.
I have signed Charley and myself up for our library cards (pri-OR-ities!) and scoped out the local Goodwill. I have discovered that US no-name diapers are about the same as the Canadian version. I now know the way to Hoagieville. I know that 'Griz' is a religion and I can ride the bus free as a 'faculty dependant'. Woo hoo!
During this pledge week, I pledge to have new photos for you very soon.
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