Friday, October 23, 2009

The faces of boys

Not an exciting post... just some pics of the boys from dinner the other day. I love the range of expressions possible in a 60 second period.

And the younger, dirtier one:

This is his 'Hi Ho' face. Or is it "Heigh Ho"? Well anyway... Sam is obsessed with the Hi Ho song from Snow White. We don't have t.v. here, so the boys get their audio-visual fix from clips on YouTube. This clip is Sam's favourite. Or, his obsession. He barely talks, but when he decides that it's TIME to watch it (NOW!), he toddles over to my computer and points and decidedly says "Hi Ho!". This is the accompanying face:
As in Hi HOOOOOOOOOOO! I can just see you doing the face right now.

Two more photos. Here I told the boys to look 'precocious' and demonstrated with a 'chin-on-hands', smug-smile look. The results:

Hmmm. Sam's is more "I can't hear you" and Charley just looks pained. Or maybe that's what being precocious does to him.

For now, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to bed I go. Bon soir.

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