Sunday, December 13, 2009


With the arrival of Uncle Phil last night, our super-crazy-mega-countdown-clock has started ticking.  I have until Wednesday a.m. to have the whole house packed (or 90% of it) so I guess I'd better get moving.

Tomorrow is Charley's last day of 'school'.  I'm quite sad about it because it's been such a wonderful place for him.  The teachers are amazing and really commited to the kids.  The individual care is fantastic.  They get outdoor playtime every day.  The food is great.  Oh, and did I mention it's $25 a day?  Crazy.  I'm going to look for something similar when we get home, just to keep him on the "I'm getting ready for school in the Fall" mode.  (Don't EVEN talk to me about that reality!)

Had our first big snowstorm here overnight.  The boys (including Phil) and I went out to enjoy the white-ness.

Here Phil tries to avoid the 'blow-back' from the neighbours snowblower.  It was not the 1000 lbs to the square inch snow you get back home...

I was a little worried about our neighbour Cam during this escapade... He looked like an icicle, except with a very red face.  Methinks he was working a bit too hard.

Some healthy red cheeks after the fun of a snow-outing.

That's all for now.  Gotta get rockin'.  The big boys are out checking out a not-yet-visited bar, before time runs out.

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