Friday, April 09, 2010

A series of events

This is not a complaining post.  This is the factual recounting of events from approximately 3 p.m. until around 5 p.m. today. 

In order to keep 2 boys busy on a day that is quite grey and cold and yucky out, one must provide a wide variety of activities to keep them entertained.  Chris is in New York for a couple days, so the fun level has to be 'upped' a bit to make up for the lack o' Daddy.

To give you an idea of the number of activities I'm talking about, here is a nearly-complete, but surely not quite complete, list of the things we did this afternoon.

1.  Colouring

A portrait of me, according to Sam.

2.  Puzzles

Charley not only assembled the puzzle almost entirely on his own, he also told me the names of all the dinosaurs.  Nerd.

3.  Cootie catchers

Retro Fun!

4.  Paper Hats

5.  Paper dolls

6.  Personalized homemade books listing items that one 4 year old finds important enough to record in picture form.

The items being: trains, crackers, blocks, family (grudgingly), crayons and whales.

7.  Train stuff

Like, building a track for the 897th time.  This year.

8.  T-ball (indoors)

9.  Bike riding (indoors) 

(Can I be forgiven for not capturing these last two events on camera.  It's all about the protection of human and non-human items during these times.)

10.  Dance Party involving Raffi.  Always with the Raffi.

And, I swear, there was much, much more.  I just can't quite remember it all.  Can you blame me?

Now, I'm downstairs typing this, listening to the singing and general 'jumping in the crib' action from above and wondering "What, in various Gods names, do I need to do to get them to go to bed in a timely manner if not what I've already done?" 

Clearly, it's time to sign them up for spinning classes.  At least Sam, anyways.  He is crazy with a dash of coo-coo.

Must go and tie him to his bed now.  Ta ta.

1 comment:

Nay said...

Can I sign Evy up for your awesome daycare? I cannot wait to see what her book includes. Soothers. Maia. Soothers. Icecream. And her Pat the Bunny book.