I'm feeling quite mushy about my sweet boys faces today. I always appeciate their goofy mugs, but since I
actually performed the Heimlich maneuver on Charley yesterday, thus dis-lodging the marble from his windpipe, I'm feeling even more gratitude and love today. I was totally calm during the episode and didn't get the panicky sweats until 3 a.m.. It sure is something to know that you were there at the right time for your child.
Marbles are getting picked up today and I'm going to put them away for a week or so...
Big Boy: (alive and kickin')
Little Boy:
Ah... they're tormenting each other. Now they're dancing. Tormenting again. Now Sam's crawling under the play area carpet.
Live tweeting the boys actions! The fun never ends. (Thank goodness.)
That Charley...such a drama king!
So glad he's okay. xo
You did good dotter! We're proud of you. Put the marbles away for longer than a week svp!
You spelled queen wrong.
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