Monday, May 03, 2010

Posting maniac

Seriously.  When is the last time I posted this many times in a few days?  Never, I'm pretty sure.

Just a few quick notes:

Note #1:

This is what Sam looked like when he woke up.  Well, I mean, he looks the same as usual, but check out that hair!!  Clearly the curls are a summer phenom.  Glad to have them back.

Note #2:

This is what Charley looked like when he was obviously in a cool dude mood today.  Rockin' the Small Paul.

Note the Third:

Check this, peeps!  Yeah, that's right!  My first Esquire byline!!  If you want to read my (awesome) writing,  you'll just have to pick up a copy.  Har har har.  May issue, out now

That is all.  Must go and focus on important things like dinner and SELLING MY HOUSE!!!


1 comment:

Jules said...

Hooray! Going to read it immediatement! Fantastique! (So, can you be a kept wife if you're doing your own keeping? It sounds better than "marginally employed".)