Monday, May 31, 2010

When they were cute

These were taken this morning, when they were still 'cute' to me and not quite as 'monstrous'.  Seriously... when the drama of 4-years-old meets the temper of 2-years-old, it makes for a noxious stew.

Anyway, enjoy the shots from the not-yet-sullied a.m.:


Still cute-ish, but someone is trying a bit too hard.

Tonsil check  (The weird thing about this photo is that I asked them to open their eyes really wide.)

Finding Big Bro amusing

Finding Lil' Bro amusing

A hearty rendition of the Scout classic "A Ram Sam Sam"
(Okay, side-note here... I just googled that song and learned a bunch.  It's Moroccan!)


And, a vision of attitude to come in the p.m. hours of the day.  ie: mini-thugs

There you have it.  2 minutes of my life.  Too bad there isn't a soundtrack to accompany it...

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