Monday, July 12, 2010

Pool Party / Fool Party

It's amazing how much fun we can cram into our tiny, mud-filled, grass-free, verging-on-slummy backyard!

A little pool, a bag on balloons, some water to fill them and some crazy kids = summer greatness.


After a few rounds of 'smoosh-face', the kids tried to help my face get into the same position...
Thanks kiddies.

And it's official!  I've had my first cry, blubber-fest, sobbity-sob about leaving.  I took this picture of the 'besties' and when I downloaded it I had a moment.  It's going to be so, so hard to leave many of the people here in the Capital... with Sadie right up there at the top of the list.

In other news... I'm a FREEKIN' HERO!  Or, in other words, I'm on day 35 of the solo-parent flight.  Chris is already at the airport in Johannesburg awaiting departure.  I feel sick for him about the 36-ish hours of travel ahead, but I can't wait to see him tomorrow night.  Can you believe that we made it?  I'm overwhelmed by the whole thing.

The best part of the World Cup is when it ends.  Yay!

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