Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Sweat, heat and angry South Americans

It's been a busy week (as usual) and we're in the midst of a crazy heat-wave.  Today we will hit the 100 degree mark, and that's before you factor in the humidity.  (100 degrees sounds sooo much hotter than 35 degrees, don't you think?  Sometime Fahrenheit wins.)

In addition to our sweaty times here, my Adventurous Hub is stirring up some heat of his own.   He has officially been dubbed "The Most Hated Man in Paraguay".  I'm not going to put up a link, lest the angry fans choose to name me "The Most Hated Wife in Paraguay", so if you're interested, search Hubby's name and the aforementioned country.  Sheesh... Drama at the 30 day point.

Yes... Let us reflect on that number: 30!!!  I've made it 30 days as a solo parent.  And, do you want to know a secret?  It's been okay.  This isn't meant to scare the pants of my Huz, but in some ways it's easier to parent alone.  Is that weird?  There's something about knowing it's all on you that makes it more simple... Like, who are you going to complain to/blame/get cranky with?  Nobody!  Garbage didn't get taken out?  No one's fault but your own.  Kids are crabby?  Oh well, you gotta deal. 

You just do what needs to be done and that's it.  End of story.

That being said, 6 days until the Hub is back from his adventure and we'll be glad to see him. 

The boys have many things to relay, like:

1.  Sometimes breakfast is just too much to bear.

2.  Ditto 'socks and sandals'.  (Look, he gets blisters, people!  It's for his own good...)

3.  Charley likes trains.  (You may actually know that one already.)

4.  Having Sadie next door is super-awesome.

5.  Fake smiling is an art form.

6.  Soccer rocks.  For some.  (Yep.. this is Uncle Phil, 'working from home' the other day.)

That is all.  Must go and make a yoga mat out of freezies and then do the corpse pose for a while. 

Mmmm... chilly.


Melinda Leahy said...

Holy smokes Lee, it's time to get that boy home. It is quite obvious that his humor is misunderstood...but at least he stirred up some passion from the fans! Congratulations on nearly making it to your own finish line, I am sure that Chris's title will quickly be changed to "most loved Daddy in Canada" as soon as the boys see him get off his plane.

granola said...

Congrats Dotter for doing the single parenting thing in the most intense, sweltering heat ever.
Great Granny Barbara (age 92) says it is the worst since 1936 and I will have to take her word on that.
We found that a light jacket was needed at times on our trip to Grand Manan!! Dreamy even in the fog.

Will your man have to wear a paper bag on his head from now on?