Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Farming Fun

Took Charley to the Experimental Farm today with Poppa J. who is visiting me while Chris is off in Puerto Rico (for work, not he's told me). Charley had a bit of a scare when a sheep bleated in his face in a very unpleasant manner but recovered when he was permitted some bunny petting time. We had a good laugh when he received an actual cow-lick in his hair after a friendly holstein sample his flavour. I've bought a family membership there, because it's sooo much fun and we plan on going often.

I apologize for being un-posty this week, but I've discovered and have been on it quite a bit. I need more people to sign up, because my sister Emily has 145 friends and I have faaar fewer. Such a silly world of technology!! It is handy for tracking down people from high school, and the like.

Here are some shots of the day.

"That's one biiiiig horse, mom!"

Poppa J. shows Charley the bull.

The Easter Bunny!!
Feeding the cow that later gave him a big smooch:

Baby cow section... Even the new babies are waaaay bigger than Charley!

That's all from here.

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