Saturday, April 07, 2007

Fun family time

We had a great afternoon yesterday, as Aunty Marion and Aunty Jenny were visiting from Wales. It was a brief but fun time for all. Marilyn cooked up a feast, as usual and we all stuffed ourselves silly. Here are some photos of the day.

"Yay Grampy!!"

Jenny and Baby Hayden:
Melissa, Steffan, Charley and Hayden... and bunny-ears.
Very tired Charley and Aunty Marion:
Four family members:

Daddy Stu and his warm baby... and Gene Simmons.

And thanks to Aunty Maureen for sending pictures of her baby (who's no longer a baby) Lee. Confusing, yes? Especially since it seems we have figured out yet another person that Charley looks like. What do you think? Is this what Charley will look like in a few years?

Safe travels Welsh Aunties... we'll see you on your own soil someday!!

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