Monday, April 16, 2007


Chris and Seamus, together on tv!! How exciting. Not sure about Chris using "poop" on national television... but it was very good.

Here are some great photos from this morning. Charley will be the only boy to have these pictures for show-and-tell!

You should have seen Charley's head whip around when he heard his dad's voice... it was soo funny: Charley says: "This is hi-LAR-ious!"

And, just for the pinball whiz, Leanne:

That's mommy multitasking!

Miss Devon approves!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Wow, I've never seen Chris look so tidy!(Tell him that Ed was commenting on his rosy cheeks!) I laughed out loud when he said 'porno magazine'! heehee. Seriously, be sure to tell him we're so proud of him!