Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Ottawa weather has broken all sorts of records over the last couple of days! It's real summer here right now. It's strange because all the winter clothing is in stores too.

Been busy here, especially with Lil' Man Walker who has been working on his skills non-stop. In fact, he cried in bed for about 30 minutes tonight, not wanting the day to end. Well, he was "tired and needed to sleep" I told him. I think he listened... at least I haven't heard him for a while.

Must go and sleep myself. One needs quite a bit of energy to keep up with this madness!

Here are some updates:

Charley at the Experimental Farm yesterday. He was offering the bunny a bite of his clover. He likes the bunny the best, because it doesn't make scary noises, like some of the other animals. (Charley needs to toughen up re: cow, sheep and horse noises...)
Charley's new boots, in celebration of being upright.
Boot joy!

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

Lee, you are a wonderful writer. I'm cracking up at "Boot joy" and "Charley needs to toughen up re: cow, sheep and horse noises."

Glad you're surviving the heat and your new little walker!