Thursday, October 04, 2007

Giving Thanks!

It seems like an appropriate time of year to have a post dedicated to all the many things to be thankful of, not the least being Thanksgiving itself. Could there be a more wonderful holiday? Best weather of the year, lots of food and no presents to buy! My favourite. At the moment, the weather folk are calling for a humidex of 33 in Ptbo. on Sunday. Well, perhaps we'll be dining on the beach this year.

Here are some other reasons I'm a thankful, thankful girl:

1. A funny, flirty boy who makes me laugh every day (or hour, more like...)

2. The wonderful return of Sister Sarah, aka Auntie Nayna from lands abroad. I know she has mixed feelings about leaving her lovely life there, but I couldn't be happier to have her back in Canada! Here she is today, being camera shy.

3. A spectacular husband, who's off working hard in Baltimore this weekend. (No turkey for Chris, how sad!)

4. A great extended family, who give us much support on a daily basis.

5. A public library branch only a few blocks away. No, really. This makes my top 10 easily... I go at least twice a week and my life is not complete without a book on the go.

6. Mmmm, good food. I love the Sunday Farmer's Market, Art-is-in bread, Greek on Wheels, fall apples, and much more.

7. My good friends. You know who you are. Thanks for staying in touch with a ditzy mum who's been too, too busy for the last 1.5 years.

8. My washing machine, dishwasher, PVR and all the consumeristic comforts of home that make life run more smoothly.

9. A wonderful lifestyle, that allows my husband to work at home, allows me to stay at home and let's us go on trips, have adventures and enjoy our life, right now.

10. New adventures and challenges. Particularly the one posted below. This challenge due to arrive somewhere around the beginning of March.

Proud mama, almost half-way along... 21 weeks to go!

Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Have a beautiful weekend and don't over-do it on the pie. (I say this from many, many years of experience).


Cheryl said...

Yaaayyy! Many congrats on the new baby to come. What a gorgeous face profile, belly, long arm bone, and fingers it has! ;) And don't you look beautiful with that cute little belly!

Lee said...

Thanks Cheryl. Your professional opinion is always welcome! Us untrained folk can't even figure out where the head is, sometimes. :)

dylanyyz said...

Subtle finger on the novel Sarah...!

Looking forward to seeing the Jones-Higginson Crew shortly.

pripaster out