Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Growin' em big!

My dr.'s appt. today confirmed that I'm growing another "larger than average" baby. (Mostly large in the head.... just like his/her brother). I shouldn't be surprised... Charley was 39 days early and had a normal sized head. Plus, you need look no farther than Chris, aka Daddio's, head to see the reason.

I'm relieved somewhat, because although I haven't gained 10 pounds yet, I seem quite large out front. Now I know why.

Here's a picture of me at Thanksgiving dinner, trying to decide how much food to add to the already squashed stomach.

"Hmmm... how much will I suffer later?..."
This is me, not learning my own lesson from years past, and deciding to sample all 4 types of pie. If you knew my granny's pie, you'd understand why. That's her in the background, horrified by my gluttony. Clearly, the over-eating mania had already set in. (Martina, this one's for you, because I know you love when I ham it up... har har har).


Tabitha said...

Looking beautiful, mama! Glowing radiantly and deserving every smidgen of that pie!

We MUST plan a get-together soon :)

mgn said...

Much appreciated hilarity!