Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A little of this and that

Here are some shots from this week. None of me, I'm afraid. I'm dressed in head-to-toe black today, but it's not having the slimming effect I was hoping for. Must start documenting the growth soon.

Charley is a reading maniac these days... brings you book after book to read to him. Loves to turn the pages (whether you're ready or not) and point out the things he knows (which is almost everything). I mean, come on!, one of the books has 'eggplant' in it. Is that something he's going to come across anytime soon? In this house... no.

Here he is showing me that 'daddy is a turkey'. haw haw

And now for this musical interlude...

Today's outing was a trip to the Science and Technology museum. I used to work there (11 years ago!!) and there were still some familiar faces. Charley is officially big enough to appreciate it... at least a few parts.

Here he is with a wee chick he picked up in his smooth wheels. (He's a modern man, and let's her do the driving...) Here he is, RUNNING around the trains. Sorry for the blur... couldn't remember the camera flash policy. He was moving so fast, he would have been blurred anyway! It's true what people say... when kids walk late, they run sooner. He hasn't even mastered the walking art yet, but now it's time for chasing everything. Poor Kismet... she's taken the brunt.
Raining non-stop today. This meant I couldn't open the windows in the car and I needed to! There's something gone "off" in there. It smells like smelly dog, old milk and Chris' soccer gear. Have done a surface search, but must delve deeper into the back seat.

I'm so, so scared.

That's all from here. Only a few days until our trip (well, 11) and I'm starting to plan our packing. Should be a challenge. Here's a link to the rental house. Check out the off-season prices people! Whatta deal.


1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hurry up and post some belly pics! I want to see that growth!