Thursday, November 08, 2007

Another gorgeous day!

Today's outing took us to Okracoke Island (not to be confused with Roanoke Island, where the aquarium was located). Okracoke is a 40 minute ferry ride south of Hatteras Island. It's the home of wild ponies (descendants from a shipwreck hundreds of years ago) and the old stomping grounds of Blackbeard. It has, according to many, one of the best beaches in the world. I think the beach is uninterrupted for about 12 miles and just beautiful. There is no beachside development at all, so it was just the pelicans and us.

Charley went CRAZY (ie: most fun ever!) on the ferry. He told us (in Charley language, of course) that he wants to travel by ferry everywhere he goes. Too bad. He hates the car so much... it would be a lovely way to travel.

Here are some shots.

The boys on the ferry:
Mummy and Charley do some ferry relaxin'.
A few ponies... seemingly not too wild.
Late afternoon beach time.
Sunset on the way home.
What can I say? Life is good in the Outer Banks. By the way, I've been greatly enjoying my new camera, (purchased on the drive down at a ridiculous US price). It has all sorts of features that the old one didn't have... and works much quicker and better.

One fun new feature is colour selecting. You can pick just one colour to show up on the photo and the rest of the picture is a standard black and white. Not super useful on a day to day basis, but lots of fun.

Here are a few early efforts:

That's all for tonight! Gathering, packing and planning tomorrow... preparing for an early, early start on Saturday. Have to get 300+ miles by 3 p.m., so we have to be packed tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

Oh! I love those camera effects. How cool.