Lucky us! We had granny visit for a few days, and then saw Auntie Ney Ney and Uncle Rojo (aka Sarah and Rob) here for the weekend. We're glad to get a wee visit with them before they take possession of their house in a few days... 'cause I'm sure we won't see them once they get into 'house mode'.
Charley was delighted to have fresh voices read him his books. I was even MORE delighted to be granted a weekend without saying the phrase "dum ditty, dum ditty, dum dum dum". (Some of you may know the book I refer to, and those who don't, be glad!). Oh well! I'm in for it when the wee tyrant wakes up from his nap to find the household empty-ish.
Here are a few shots from the weekend:
Happy Birthday to the happy girl.

Robby deals with Sarah's bossy-face in the only way he knows how.

The reader-ly auntie takes up her position:

A cosy, family moment. Kismet wonders "why are all these people on my princess chair!?".
Aww, Lee, your sister's so pretty, just like you :).
Sorry about my deleted comment, above. I typed too fast, went back to fix a typo, and realized I couldn't. So, had to delete and begin again.
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