Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bonus: Rat's nest!

No, we don't actually have a rat's nest anywhere I know about...

I'm using a charming term my mother always used when referring to our hair. Or, at least , referring to our hair when it was a mess.

Charley woke up from the aforementioned post's nap and had spun his hair into an entirely new substance. No amount of smoothing or brushing was reducing it's mass or tangle-itude. I've never actually seen him do break-dancing head-spins, but I'm pretty sure that's the only thing that could result in this mess. It's no wonder he's having such nice naps if that's what he's doing in his crib!

A deep conditioning treatment in the bath tonight seems to have tamed the mess, for now. We'll see what he looks like in the morning.

In other news... Charley got some new boots today, and like every other pair of footwear he owns, he prefers to wear them on his hands.
And, this is Charley perfecting his new "surprise" face. He does it on command, and often.

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