Now, many of you know, I have a fondness for a bargain. It seems ridiculous to me to pay $100 for a snowsuit that the child will grow out of in a season. With this in mind, I set off to Value Village to find a second-hand suit early in the fall.
I succeeded on my mission and bought a one-piece, possibly never-worn, blue snowsuit marked size 24 months. Perfect! I told myself. This was a few months ago, and when I tried it on Wee C last week, it gave him a major wedgie. Oops!
So, that lovely suit went to Hayden, who is only 8 months old, but will probably fill it fine this winter.
This past monday was 1/2 off day again at Value Village and so I set out, fought the crowds and found a very nice, 2 piece, red snowsuit for under 10 dollars. Yay!! I also found a whole bunch of new, unisex baby clothes for 99 cents a piece. Double-yay!!
Well, I put the coat on Charley yesterday to try it out. Blame it on pregancy brain, or bad store lighting, or buyer's mania.... It's a GIRL's suit!! No, I don't know how I missed the poofy shoulders and wee bows all down the front! He does look a-dor-able in it, and he quite likes the bows, but I can't very well send him out in this, can I?
Trying to toughen up the girly-ness with dinosaurs: "I feel prettyyyyy!"
On to round #3. Chris joined us on our outing this time, I think fearing that:
a) if I bring home another mis-sized, mis-sexed suit I might lose my mind.
b) I might just give up and buy a pink "My Little Pony" suit and call it a day.
We had to upgrade to a consignment store, which I know is bargain-hunting to most of you, but seems like a fortune to me! Luckily, we found the exact suit I wanted and it was 1/2 off the store price.
All boy! (although he is wearing a pair of my socks, that he's grown fond of...) Darn, now I guess I'll have to go out in winter. Bring on the snow!
1 comment:
I am wiping tears of laughter. Hilarious. The fur hood is FANTASTIC!
And I do so love the final choice :).
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