Sunday, November 25, 2007

Snow fun!

Well, it's still winter here... hard to remember it's only November on a day like this. Took Wee C out to North Gower for a little family romp in the snow. (Yes, with the new snowsuit. Oh! The abuse I have suffered this week, having posted the tale of the red-suit shame!!)

The cousins enjoyed themselves immensely, and did some tobogganing after building a snowman. Even Hayden, aged 8 months, was showing his Canadian-ness and taking the hill in stride.

Thanks to the gang in NG! Such a fun day.

I know this picture is killing the traveling grandparents!
A snowy ride with Devon:
Have I mentioned that Charley is FEARLESS??
Daddy wedges himself into the sled.
Snowman assembly:
Chris gets show-offy, and surfs down the hill...
Luckily, no broken knees, etc.
Rosy-cheeked monkey takes a breather:


mgn said...

It's pretty hard to make me miss snow but you look like you're having so much fun!! Charley looks like a little maniac, I'm sure Chris can't be his father. *sarcasm*

Sarah said...

Update .... puhlease!!