It's 4 p.m. and the snow is starting to slow up a little. I couldn't tell you exactly how much has fallen, but it seems like more than 30 centimetres so far. What a crazy day! Chris has shoveled twice and is feeling quite manly and haggard. Got the doggy and boy-o out for a brief spell this a.m., but didn't go farther than the front of the house... I swear, I can barely waddle on clear sidewalks!
Charley is nursing a new head injury this week. Ran madly into the kitchen and collapsed, forehead first, into the open dishwasher door. Decided that he should wear his thick, fleece hat indoors until his reflexes improved.
Here are shots of the household mayhem:
Here are the shots I got after I asked Charley to "look cute". I swear, he TO-tally gets sarcasm already...

Really, he's a bit of a jack-ass sometimes...

To no one's surprise, Charley is wearing his boots on his hands.

Big man and little man tackle the drifts:

"Don't bother us now, Mummy. We're doing man work."

I told Chris to look weary in this shot, and he said "look?". Shoveling round #2.

Part of the pile Chris shoveled today.

Snow mutt:
What a little ham!
Ya, um tell Chris that Ed feels REALLY bad that he had to shovel a whole SIX feet of driveway today...ok, maybe six and a half feet. ;)
oh my god, please tell Chris that his stache is bitchin' and he's fully channeling Lanny MacDonald. LOVE. I'm going to use this port to convince M to grow one over Christmas break to surprise his students.
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