Friday, December 07, 2007


It's been a long time since I've had to write a post about being husband-less. We've had a lovely stretch of Chris being home most of the time. That, my friends, is about to end. He's now gone for 2 weeks and tells me he'll be home just a few days in January. Talk about bad timing! It would be challenging enough to be single-parenting with this belly in flip-flop weather... but snowsuit time? Booooooooooooooo. I'm praying I don't have to do any shoveling or de-icing for the next few days. (Surely, we've had our December quota of snow already, right?).

To amuse myself , and you, this a.m., I have taken pictures of Charley that he will curse when he's about 14.


Big Man on Campus, indeed...
Chris calls this look "Clan of the Baby Cave Bear":
No, silly, over there!
See if you can find the scary creature from the black hair lagoon:
Practicing some stacking skills:

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