Thursday, December 13, 2007


You can tell I've been husband-less for a week, due to the lack of posts. Nothing too exciting has been happening here. I've been delighted to have had help from Hannah, our new babysitter. She's young, energetic and Charley is quite smitten. I'm so glad to have found her!

Today, we're off to Peterborough for a few days. Chris isn't back for another week, so I thought we'd split up the long week with a visit home.

Here are a few shots from breakfast today:

Breakfast cuteness:

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

Have a safe trip, you two!

Did Charlie get a haircut? He is looking particularly jaunty and grown up in this last set of pictures.

How are you doing, Lee? I think of you often. Sending belly rubs.