Sunday, January 20, 2008

Much gratitude

Thank goodness for my mummy this week. Chris has been gone since Monday and I know, for sure, that I wouldn't have made it through the week without my parents. Alice has been here, providing much help and Charley-care, and Jimmy has been babysitting Kismet at home. She's having a wonderful time, and I do worry about her sanity when she is forced to come back to her real home. She thinks her time in Ottawa is punishment after the freedom and spoil-itude of the country.

I managed to get sooo much done this week with Al's help and Charley is always delighted to have entertaining Granny around.

She's leaving soon, so I must brace myself. Luckily, Chris is back later today, at least for a few days. Here are a few shots from the week:

(warning: mom-pride ahead) What can I say? My boy is a beauty.
No Charley! It's not a drum... just stretched like one.
Granny (aka Horsey) does her duty, and beyond.
Kismet in paradise.


Cheryl said...

Woa! Look at that gorgeous stretch-mark-free belly!
It's been too long my dear...whatch'ya doing this week? Want a visitor or two? I'm off for the next 5 days. I'll call you!
I can't wait to see you and the little man.

Tabitha said...

Oh, Lee. Your belly is Gorgeous. xx