I have told him that I'm going to add up all the 'fun' hours from this 5 day bonanza (ie: not counting sleep, travel, etc) and I'm going to redeem them in full. Particularly, in and around the dinner/bedtime hours. har har har
You know I'm used to being the all-alone mummy, but there's something extra-lemon-juice-in-the-paper-cut-ey about being alone for 5 days for a LEISURE trip. Oh, and he knows it. I told him I might be happy about it in retrospect, were he to come home with the aforementioned box of money, but he's not. (And this is true, re: the box of money. They pay out the winners in cash. The same cash the people use to buy into the tournament, so it's not even nice, fresh bill stacks from the bank. No... it's dirrrrr-ty money. In boxes.)
All that being said, he'll be home tonight, but after I'm in bed, so it doesn't count.
So, I've been hangin' with the wee boys. Yesterday, I took both of them to the wading pool. BY MYSELF! There's probably some rule that you can't take two wee ones to the pool by yourself. Or, at least, there should be. It was fine, but seeing that Sam cried if his feet touched the water, and Charley cried if his didn't, it was a bit of a handful. But! They came home happy and worn out and fell asleep without so much as a whimper at 7:15 and didn't wake up until 7:30! So, I call that excellent, tire-your-kids-out-to-the-max parenting. Thanks goodness for that, because my 'quiet hours' last night were super-duper needed. (Have I also mentioned that it's finally time to wean Sam off his soother. He's a mega soother junkie and needs an intervention. So, I'm doing the 'only in bed' thing. This means his mouth is free to screech, jabber, grunt and exclaim all day. And he is loud. So, so loud.)
Now, off to do another day.
Here are some miscellaneous photos from the last week, or so.
From yesterday's park party:
Charley can't resist the allure of the 'big boys' playing soccer.
Deciding how he feels about the red sprinkles on the Canada Day cupcakes.
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