Thursday, July 02, 2009

Trailer Park Boys

We attended a white-trash, trailer park themed Canada Day Party yesterday at our neighbours house. We really got into the spirit! Chris made his own jean cut-offs (as you can probably tell) and I dressed the boys. (Okay, so they were dressed in their normal clothes, but that's all it takes in this family. And, yes, I know the 'socks and sandals' on Charley is more 'German tourist' than trailer park, but work with me...).

I won the prize for the best food contribution but making these and these. It was awesome. Our lovely friends Jacqui (oops, I mean DR. Jacqui) and Marc (oh... DR. Marc too), joined us. Jacqui starts her first official day of residency today, so congrats and good luck to you, Ms. J.

It was also my sweet niece Evy's first birthday yesterday, so Happy B-day to you, Screechy T!

And a belated congrats to my bro, Ben and his beautiful wife Kristin who are now out of the closet about their pregnancy. Hooray! Now... should I hope for a boy or a girl? Grow, Berky grow!

Here are the boys just a few minutes ago having breakfast like little gentlemen at their table. Well, not quite gentlemen... Mr. Feeds-Self-with-Hand-Sam.

That's all for now. Officially, we've hit the now-I-can-say-we're-moving-NEXT-month stage. God help us. 6 weeks before we go and only 4 weeks until Uncle Phil moves in. Poor him.

Please don't ask me why this section is centre justified... I'm so beyond trying to understand Blogger and all it's quirks.

Ta ta.
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