Friday, July 24, 2009

Mr. Sam Sam

A post for no particular reason, other than the fact that my Sam is growing and changing at such a rapid rate that you might not recognize him if I didn't.

I'm trying not to be traumatized that this is my little baby. He has clearly graduated from his infancy and I'm just going to have to deal with it.

For all those who are questioning his hair: I've been threatened with bodily harm (from various individuals) if I go anywhere near him with scissors. So, get used to the curly mullet, folks.

In other news: No work, and I mean NO WORK, has happened on the house this week. I'm trying to keep level headed and not call the company and all the employees every foul word I know, but it's very, very hard. They have given us 102 reasons why they lost a week's work, but all I care about is having steps before we leave. Seriously... if that doesn't happen, I'm going to drive to the business owner's house, rip HIS stairs off and nail them to my house. Trying. Not. To. Be. Crabby.


Did I mention that Charley has been getting up waaaaaaaaaaaaay to early? Like 5:10 a. freekin' m. the other morning? I seriously thought I was going to die that day. (It didn't help that he cried for about 2 hours in the afternoon, exclaiming that he was TIRED!) 6:30 wake-up this morning, and I can live with that. I never thought that 6:30 would be sleeping in, but lo and behold: It is!

Also, it's pouring. Rain, rain, rain. Our front yard (ie: where the porch and steps used to be) is a giant mud hole.

Okay. That's enough of the grump-summary.

In general, all things are well. Let's discuss:

I'm not overly-stressed about the move because I've decided I don't have to bring hardly anything with us. The woman who's house we're renting has been great and is leaving it well stocked. (Can you think of essential items that I need to bring? Maybe I'm forgetting something...)

Chris is super busy, but working on fun things like a new screenplay and a potential trip to Burma.

Charley and Sam are lovely kids who are joyous and amazing most of the time. The other day we had a delivery of cedar for the construction. I said "Charley! Look, they're bringing us wood!" and he turned and said in a very serious voice "Mummy, it's lumber".
Ah! The adorable point in life when a child correcting you is still cute. And Sam has decided that a little MP3 player he found in a drawer is his new cell phone. He holds it to his ear and says "Hi... umm... ummm.... ya...". Funny stuff.

Silver linings on this grey day.

Pics of the front of the house still to come, once I can get outside and not get soaked and mud-covered.

Happy weekend to all those who still differentiate between the days of the week.
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