Our renovations start next week, so Chris is in the process of demo-ing the front of our place. I thought that I would record his process, and the renovations to come, to show the (hopefully) dramatic differences from start to finish.
Here's what it looks like so far. It's getting worse for now!
Went out for a swim in North Gower on Friday afternoon. Had a laugh looking at the two chubby babies. Renn and Jaime are in a constant battle as to who is the biggest. It's pretty hilarious.
I love seeing the "JK Class of 2012" all together.
Yesterday's adventure was a fall off the playground equipment for Charley. He and I headed off to the local hospital for some wound gluing (much better than a needle and stitches for a 3 year old...) and he doensn't seem too much worse for the wear. This photo doesn't really capture the damage, but trying to get a photo of a busy 3 year old's chin is actually quite hard.
And here's wee Sam. He likes to hang on the chair and pretend he's a 40 year old man, lounging in front of the t.v. He makes me laugh. The wet on his shorts is from mealtime and not actually pee, although knowing Sam you might not believe me.
Off to the hospital this morning for an appt. for Charley. Yeah, like I didn't have enough of hospitals yesterday.
Later, my fair readers.
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