Thursday, August 13, 2009

Another week gone by...

Spent a long weekend in Ptbo with the family. It was great fun (but SO busy), with saying bye to everyone and having a Higgy family reunion and dropping Kismet off for her 4 month vacation. There were dinner's out, beach visits, zoo time, etc. The boys had a great time and seemed to run on no sleep for four days.

Granny and Poppa can attest to the new "early risers" I seem to have in my household. I don't really know how I went from getting up at 7:30 to getting up at 6, or even a bit earlier within a couple of months. I think Charley has been trying to maximize his fun time. It's fine, as I have much to do and the early wakeup gets me going that much sooner.

I didn't have my camera for the weekend, so I'm awaiting photos from family members. This will have to hold you for now. (Pics of house-front coming, I swear).

Granny does some bedtime story work:

Kismet, gleefully returned to her true home. "Stamped it, no erasies", she seems to say.

Roomie Phil entertains his biggest fan. Sam's love of Phil is really quite hilarious. And the love of the Mac.

Colour selections with a toddler. Good times.

Must run. 700 things to do today. EEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (That's the constant sound in my brain for the last few days...)

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