In news more appealing than the front of my house, Sammy is officially walking!!! Last Friday, a few days into month 17, he took his first steps. He's quite excited about it and is working on his skills quite a lot. I hope I'm wrong, but it looks as though he's going to be the child who runs from the start.
There's been lots of debate of late regarding the origin of Sammy's looks. Generally, folk have declared that he's looking more like his Daddy all the time. I tend to agree. Or at least, I did. Then I found this picture the other day of me, a few months older than Sam is now. Whaddya think?
Obviously there is still a hint of my genetics in that boy!
Life is motoring on at reckless rates around here. We're getting down to the wire on this move. Phil is settling into life as our roommate... as much as one can. The boys can't quite figure out how he materializes in the mornings, but they're just happy to have him here.
I'm off to Peterborough tomorrow for a 'see-y'all-later' and drop off Kismet for her extended vacation mission. Here's hoping the boys are on their best behaviour on this trip. Sam seems to have entered the 'scream in the car non-stop' phase that his brother had at the same age. I'm sure it's partly due to the fact that he's never in a car and doesn't like being strapped down for any length of time. I'm preparing my ears for the journey.
It's funny to look back at Charley at the same age as Sam is now. Read here to remember. Hard to imagine I was pregnant with Sam in that post...
I don't have any new photos to add, so here are a few un-posted images from Emily's visit. I call this series 'Water balloon, pool and wet boys'. I also call it 'hi-lar-ious'.
Too funny. I love that second shot. The 'anticipation' faces just kill me.
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