They did up the area while they were here and managed to see far more of the town than I have.
Departing hugs:
Since they left I've done my best to keep them busy, but I'm only one woman and can't compete with the level of adoration set by the grandparents. Last night, Sam declared that he was SAD at 3:30 a.m. (this sounds something like this: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooooaaaaaargh! 75 times in a row) and he had to sleep with me. I blame John and Marilyn entirely. They set a benchmark of 'attention earned in a 24 hr period' and, obviously, Sam did not get his quota during daylight hours yesterday.
It's a wonder he woke up, because there was quite a busy, energy burning bedtime last night. Both boys have declared 'jumping on the bed' to be the most-fun-ever activity. If naked, made better.
"Don't bug me, Mo-therrr"
I wondered why Sam had such a diabolical look on his face here, and then I realized 'oh yeah.. that's where I put my FACE at night...':
Once the hellions were dressed it was story time.
Once upon a time, there was a tale of a 19 month old's attention level.
First 15 seconds = interest.

Second 15 seconds = boredom
First 15 seconds = interest.
Second 15 seconds = boredom
Third 15 seconds = hatching a new plan. (The plan being that he needed to get the pillow from underneath Charley's bum).

Following 5 seconds = irritation. Charley, when in his being-read-to-mode, is oblivious to all things including people talking to him, bombs going off and his little brother making his infuriated noise.

Following 5 seconds = irritation. Charley, when in his being-read-to-mode, is oblivious to all things including people talking to him, bombs going off and his little brother making his infuriated noise.
Final seconds = epic FAIL. When this face comes out, I know it's time for lil'un to get to bed.
Call me a bad mother, but this picture is puuuuure hilarity.
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