Sunday, May 09, 2010


Oh.  My.  God.

The past few weeks have obviously existed to make me realize that my usual insane life is actually much, much calmer than it could be.  (And has been!) 

Clean house.  Stage house.  Finish reno's.  Sell house.  Oh yeah... find new house.  (None of these things have actually been completed yet...)  And let us not forget the topsoil incident.  ("The Day of the Dirt shall not be mentioned!")

Two sick kids.  Winter's come back.  Husband keeps repeatedly running both hands through hair, which seems to be retreating in fear. 

Is it any wonder that I found the children trying to escape to the neighbours the other day.  Chris saw them and said "when did our children start to look like they were escaped trailer park urchins?".  (Husband anxiously runs hands through hair.)

Sigh.  Happy Mother's Day to all.  I reeeeally hope my present is a nap.  

Oh wait... Chris leaves for 5 days of work tomorrow.  Okay... um, maybe next year?

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Lee, this post made me laugh out loud! (And I'm so sorry if it wasn't supposed to.) I can totally picture Chris running both hands through his hair. I hope all is well with you guys and that all goes as planned.
Off to read your post again for a few more giggles...(Play date soon?)