Thursday, May 13, 2010

Letting his heritage down

Being of proud UK descent, you might think that Charley would be a soccer/football fan.  I'm not going to pretend that he would be good at it, but at least interested in the process.

3-4 year old soccer class started up on Tuesday night.  Chris is away for work, so I assumed the job of cheering parent.  I cheered for about 22 seconds until I realized this wasn't going to be a success.

I am well aware of Charley's non-sporting tendencies.  I knew he would not be aggressively chasing the ball or giving two hoots about scoring a goal, but I wasn't prepared for him to be the team doofus/weiner/meanie.   In a short half an hour, he managed to kick other kids balls far, far away, throw grass at the coach, kick over goal pylons, and generally ignore the proceedings/directions.

I have passed my initial mood of "why do I get to be the mom of the BAD kid" and into the "slightly-more-humorous, look at these photos for proof mood".

Yes people.  Laugh at my pain.  I dare you not to.

Hmm.. don't quite know what all this 'stretching' is about...

Feigning interest in the rules.

Starting to lose interest

Time for a lie-down.

Can you find my child?  Do you see the earnest children, happily chasing the ball?  Yeah, not there. 

Well, why not roll around the entire pitch, accumulating grass-stains but not a whit of soccer knowledge?  A worthy question, Master Charley.

Sigh.  Sigh.  Double-sigh.  I told Chris I'm retired (after one 30 minute session) from the 'Soccer-Mom' position.  That's fine with me... never wanted that promotion in the first place.  It will take the will of Nelson Mandela and the patience of Mother Theresa to get this boy into the sporting spirit.  All interested parties may apply here.

You can stop laughing now...


Emily said...

best. post. ever.

Cheryl said...

Oh my, I think I just peed my pants! (And not because I'm pregnant, either.) When he was that age, my nephew picked dandelions and pranced around the pitch his first soccer game. Yep. Made his poppa proud!

granola said...

How do you know he's not a botanist in the making? He could be doing field research!

Jules said...

Hig genes. Cause there's no hig in team.

Lee said...

My favourite comment ever, Cuz Jules. I just shot cereal out my nose. haw haw haw