Amidst the drama of the adult world, the Jo-Higg family took a breather and went to the grand re-opening of the Canadian Museum of Nature parade yesterday morning. It was really fun and the boys brains almost blew-up from sensory overload.
Here's a summary of the day yesterday:
Wake up boys! We're going to a parade today!
I think this is Charley winking. And it scares me.
Arrive at the parade route and wait for the fun to start.
We saw marching dudes or, as Charley called them, 'happy men with pointy hats'.
We saw dancers of all varieties.
And really scary guys on stilts. Charley had to hide his face for this one.
But he came around for the swooshy rainbow-ribbon. He thought that was awesome.
And you can't have a Canadian parade without the ol' RCMP bringing up the rear and playing their tunes.
They thought the hats were cooooool.
Then home for lunch and a nap for Sam that left his hair particularly Kramer-ish:
Then it was time to jump in the puddles created by a 5 minute downpour. Like, reeeeeally jump in them, until there is mud-splatter on your face. If he had mud up to his face, you can imagine what his clothes looked like.
Then it was time to eat. So Daddy heads out to acquire delicious, home-crafted food (not). He seemed to think it was totally reasonable for little boys to split a foot-long sub, and I thought it was so hilarious I took the photos. And then the piglets actually ate the WHOLE thing.
So, there's a daily digest for you to digest. What's happening with you?
1 comment:
hahaha! So much sandwich! that's hilarious!
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