Sunday, May 23, 2010

Piglets to Bubble-bathers

The boys discovered the fine art of water meets topsoil this morning.  I've never, ever seen them so dirty and you know that's saying something.  I didn't get pictures of them lying in the mudpit they created yelling "Mommy!  We're piglets!" so you'll just have to use the state of their clothes to give you an idea:

There's something really sad about Thomas just barely peeking out of those undies, saying "I'm up to my axles in mud!!"

I needed to remedy the dirty boy situation I found myself in and really didn't want that to involve bringing them into the house and upstairs to the bathtub.

In a moment of improvisation, I dumped the toys out of the bins from the storage unit and voila!  Instant cleaning with the benefit of making C and S as happy as they've been in ages.

These pictures just make me so happy.  They were in these chilly, hose-filled mini-tubs for a solid 30 minutes and still didn't want to come out.  Now they're eating lunch and both sounding rather tired after a busy morning of getting dirty and cleaning up.

And look at the little toes showing through the tub... it was so weird and 'in utero' looking.

That's the day so far.  Later!

p.s.  Edited to add that I used eco-friendly, biodegradable soap, in case you thought I was contaminating the earth!  Only the best for my junkyard  backyard.

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