Monday, May 03, 2010

A portrait of reluctance

When it's time to leave a fun place (ie: park, playgroup, friend's house, etc..) most parents deal with some amount of drama.   Anything from some whining to a full-blown freak-out.

I've always been lucky that my boys don't totally lose their stuff when we're coming and going, but Charley has developed a version of the leaving-protest.  His version is dogged reluctance.

I'll be all ready to go:  Sam in wagon, toys picked up and be walking away and he'll be literally dragging his heels behind.  There's not much, outside of physical intervention, to move things along either.

So, I'll give you the following photo essay, entitled "Oh Mother! Oh Bane of my Existence! I do not want to leave...sigh, sigh, double-sigh".

"Maybe I'll just sit here and feed the cement horse my snack..."

"Or make myself tiny and hope she doesn't notice?"

"Drats!  She noticed me.  Okay, how about I walk reeeeeeeeally sloooooow?"...
"And drag my sad feet along..."

"In a truly pathetic attempt for sympathy."

"No go? Oh well... Best hustle and try again next time!"

Beautiful weather, as you can see from the shots.  I can really support this early, extended spring-summer things we've got going.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I am on a different blog with my two best friends. I like your blog.